Over the course of the last 2 weeks I’ve been having 2 separate email exchanges with 2 special people that subscribe and read A Letter For.
I first posited the idea of having such an exchange in my Process & Progress post on 7 January after blatantly ripping off Bill Simmons and Malcolm Gladwell’s exchanges from back in the day on Page 2 of ESPN.com.
That same day Allison Jackson and Eric McTighe both replied in my inbox raiding their hand to embark on such an exchange of curiosity. They’ve been remarkable conversations and really took the form of old school letter writing, aka slow-form communications.
I plan on compiling those exchanges in the next day or two and releasing them as separate posts and maybe even creating a new section on the site for these to live. I want to make them a more regular thing as the format really suits the ethos of this project.
I’ve known Allison for only a little while - worked together in 2023 but didn’t interact that often. We’d see each other at some dinners and meetings from time I time but never sat to really get to know each other. We’ve stayed in touch mostly on LinkedIn until I launched ALF. She was one of the first people to subscribe and has been a tremendous supporter.
I’ve known Eric for even less time. We connected over a post on LinkedIn just a few months ago and just like Allison, he subscribed right away and has been actively engaged with it since. At the turn of the year we connected and met each other on a zoom call and had a blast just getting to know one another and learning about each others’ lives.
The internet is really beautiful sometimes - it’s truly a web that connects us easily and scales our communication in a way that I don’t think any of us imagined it ever would.
Tonight I just want to say thank you to both Allison and Eric. It took courage for them to step up to the plate and do something that was truly unknown. I learned a lot about them and from them in the process. Today in my Sunday sauna I contemplated something Eric said to me in our exchange and I’m pretty sure I’ll be thinking about it the rest of my life. Can’t wait to share it with everyone tomorrow.
With love and deep appreciation,